Sicura Console
  1. Introduction
  2. Installation
  3. Upgrades
  4. Running SIMP Console
  5. Configuration - Accounts
  6. Configuration - Collector
  7. Configuration - Database
  8. Configuration - Security
  9. Configuration - Plugins
  10. Sidebar - Administration
  11. Sidebar - Infrastructure
  12. Sidebar - Reports
  13. Commands
  14. Known Issues


Config Input

All commands need to have a valid PostgreSQL connection string defined in the /etc/simp/simp-console.yaml config in order to run.


Runs the console in the foreground and outputs activity and error messages to the terminal.​

It is possible to redirect all messages to the terminal or to specific files with the following config option: ​

# Defaults: application -> console, audit -> console, request -> /tmp/jaeger/access.log
   console: true
   file: false
   console: true
   file: false
   console: false
   file: true
   file_path: /var/log/simp-console/access.log

simp-console cleanup

Assists the simp-console database in upgrading to the newest release. Able to upgrade a console as far back as 1.4.0. The script will check the database for any potential cleanup fixes. It will create a dump of the PostgreSQL database before starting the upgrade process if any cleanup fixes are found and will always save to /var/db/simp/dumps/upgrade_backup.dump. The script will automatically run every time the console is started. The script can be run again at anytime to upgrade whatever database the config file is pointing to. ​



simp-console migrate

​ Overwrites a PostgreSQL database using the data and schema of a simp-console SQLite database. Will prompt the user if they want to create an optional dump of the current PostgreSQL database.​


A SQLite connection string through the command line

simp-console restore

Overwrites the current PostgreSQL database using the provided simp-console dump file. Will prompt the user if they want to create a dump of the current PostgreSQL database.


A simp-console database dump through the command line

simp-console dump

Create a dump of the current PostgreSQL database.



simp-console drop_schema

Drops all tables of the current PostgreSQL database.



Database Dumps

​ All dumps of the PostgreSQL simp-console databases are specific to the simp-console and are only usable by the simp-console restore script. They all get saved to /var/db/simp/dumps.