Sicura Console
  1. Introduction
  2. Installation
  3. RPM Installation
  4. Container Installation
  5. Upgrades
  6. Running Sicura Console
  7. Configuration - Accounts
  8. Configuration - Database
  9. Configuration - Collector
  10. Configuration - Security
  11. Configuration - Plugins
  12. Sidebar - Administration
  13. Sidebar - Infrastructure
  14. Sidebar - Reports
  15. Commands
  16. Known Issues
  17. How To - Enforce compliance
  18. How To - Compliance profile tailoring and customization


The Sicura Console is the flagship feature for Sicura Enterprise. It is a web client for monitoring compliance across your infrastructure. Once you register a system using the packaged Sicura Agent, you’ll be able to:

System Requirements

Sicura Console currently requires an EL 7 or 8 (Red Hat or CentOS) Linux Server with network access to your infrastructure.

Access to the Console has been tested on clients running current versions of Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Microsoft Edge.