Sicura Console
  1. Introduction
  2. Installation
  3. RPM Installation
  4. Container Installation
  5. Upgrades
  6. Running Sicura Console
  7. Configuration - Accounts
  8. Configuration - Database
  9. Configuration - Collector
  10. Configuration - Security
  11. Configuration - Plugins
  12. Configuration - Experimental
  13. Sidebar - Administration
  14. Sidebar - Infrastructure
  15. Sidebar - Profiles
  16. Sidebar - Reports
  17. Commands
  18. Known Issues
  19. How To - Enforce compliance
  20. How To - Enforce custom profiles
  21. How To - Use the API

RPM Upgrades

Our Yum Repository handles all upgrades so it requires little effort to move to a new version of the Console.

Note: Prior to upgrade, you may want to backup your current console install to ensure no data is lost for certain folders if you choose to downgrade for any reason.

Upgrading to a Console Container

Provide the license key and configuration from your existing installation and start the container. The database will be automatically upgraded to support new features.

Cleaning Up RPM Install

To clean up an RPM install, you can do the following, but it is not required:

Uninstall RPMs

For SIMP Enterprise versions 6.5.3 and prior:

yum repo-pkgs simp-enterprise erase
yum repo-pkgs simp-community-simp erase
yum remove simp-release-enterprise

For Sicura Enterprise 6.5.4 and newer:

yum repo-pkgs sicura-console erase
yum remove sicura-release-console

Remove Puppet Modules

On RPM install, Puppet data is installed in /usr/share/simp/modules, and is not removed on uninstall. You can purge the /usr/share/simp directory if you don’t want to keep this data