Sicura Console
  1. Introduction
  2. Installation
  3. RPM Installation
  4. Container Installation
  5. Upgrades
  6. Running Sicura Console
  7. Configuration - Accounts
  8. Configuration - Database
  9. Configuration - Collector
  10. Configuration - Security
  11. Configuration - Plugins
  12. Configuration - Experimental
  13. Sidebar - Administration
  14. Sidebar - Infrastructure
  15. Sidebar - Profiles
  16. Sidebar - Reports
  17. Commands
  18. Known Issues
  19. How To - Enforce compliance
  20. How To - Enforce custom profiles
  21. How To - Use the API

Installing Sicura Console

The Sicura Console can be added to your environment as a Docker container or installed as a service on a Red Hat (or derivative) server or virtual machine. In either case, a PostgreSQL database server is also required. We recommend installing the Console on Red Hat 8 (or deriviative) to simplify database connectivity with current versions of PostgreSQL.


Install and Configure PostgreSQL

Skip this section if you already have a production PostgreSQL server available in your environment.

Follow the instructions below to configure a PostgreSQL database server to host a database for the Console.

  1. Install PostgreSQL.

     yum -y install postgresql-server
  2. Initialize the database.

     postgresql-setup initdb
  3. Enable password authentication for localhost.

    This is only necessary if running PostgreSQL on the same system as the Console service.

     sed -i \
         -e '/^host\s*all\s*all\s*[0-9:./]*\s*ident$/ s|ident|md5|' \
  4. Enable and start the database service.

     systemctl enable postgresql --now

Create and configure a user and database for Sicura Console.

In the example below, we’re connecting to a local installation of PostgreSQL and using sicura_console for both the database name and the user name. Replace the string REPLACE_ME below with a password generated for the sicura_console database user.

runuser -l postgres -c "psql" <<END
create database sicura_console;
create user sicura_console with encrypted password 'REPLACE_ME';
grant all privileges on database sicura_console to sicura_console;

Console Installation

Install from RPM

Detailed instructions for installing from RPM on a server or virtual machine can be found here.

Install as a Container

Detailed instructions for running the Console Docker container can be found here.