Sicura Console
  1. Introduction
  2. Installation
  3. Upgrades
  4. Running SIMP Console
  5. Configuration - Accounts
  6. Configuration - Collector
  7. Configuration - Database
  8. Configuration - Security
  9. Configuration - Plugins
  10. Sidebar - Administration
  11. Sidebar - Infrastructure
  12. Sidebar - Reports
  13. Commands
  14. Known Issues



​ Runs the console in the foreground and outputs activity and error messages to the terminal.​

It is possible to redirect all messages to the terminal or to specific files with the following config option: ​

# Defaults: application -> console, audit -> console, request -> /tmp/jaeger/access.log
   console: true
   file: false
   console: true
   file: false
   console: false
   file: true
   file_path: /tmp/jaeger/access.log


Assists the simp-console database in upgrading to the newest release. Able to upgrade a console as far back as 1.1.2. Will create a dump or copy of a PostgreSQL or SQLite database respectively before starting the upgrade process. The script will automatically run once the console is upgraded. The script can be run again at anytime to upgrade whatever database the config file is pointing to.

The script will automatically run once the console is upgraded. The script can be run again at anytime to upgrade whatever database the config file is pointing to. ​


All input drawn from the config file /etc/simp/simp-console.yml. If no config file is found or is empty, it will resort to the following default config options: ​

main.database: 'sqlite:///var/db/simp/simp-console.db'
main.listen_ip: 'localhost'
main.listen_port: '6468'
main.default_admin_username: 'admin'

Additionally, if /etc/simp/simp-console.yml does not exist, then an empty one will be made. ​

Important: The script needs to be able to run and connect to the console to complete the upgrade so be sure that the IP and port are correct.


The command is configured to send the pre-created data to localhost:6468. Therefore, a demo of SIMP Console should be run on the same machine where SIMP Console is already running on the default port.

Important: Ensure simp-console is running first.




​ Overwrites a PostgreSQL database using the data and schema of a simp-console SQLite database. Will prompt the user if they want to create an optional dump of the current PostgreSQL database.​


Takes two command line arguments, a SQLite connection string followed by a PostgreSQL one in the same format as the main.database option in the config file.


Overwrites the current PostgreSQL database using the provided simp-console dump file. Will prompt the user if they want to create a dump of the current PostgreSQL database.


Takes in two command line arguments, ​a PostgreSQL connection string followed by a path to a simp-console database dump.

Database Dumps

​ All dumps of the PostgreSQL simp-console databases are specific to the simp-console and are only usable by the simp-console-restore script. They all get saved to /var/db/simp/dumps.