Note: All of the following config options can be set in
SIMP Console creates this default account with full admin privileges:
Username: admin
Password: password
It is highly recommended to change the default username and password. You can also set a default admin token for the default administrative user to better facilitate using the REST API from systems like Puppet.
Passwords in the config file are only stored as crypt(3)-style salted hashes. In order to make it easier to generate, simp-console
contains a helper flag that will take a plain text password and return the hash suitable for the configuration file:
simp-console -e ‘password’
And then add the output to /etc/simp/simp-console.yml
main.default_admin_password: '$5$7c03659ec01eab77$RB.C4ovajCc9m/JL2.oGX02OlpgMqJmejI72FutgbM5'
It is also best practice to change the default ‘admin’ username to be something site specific:
main.default_admin_username: "simp_root_admin"
The default authentication token is used to interact with the REST API without an account. Notice: The default admin token is set to null and will not be usable until set.
main.default_admin_token: "mYxiQo0JCoVdGCZOwLzs"
Notice: In order to update the default admin password and token, you must also update the default admin username.